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NCLEX Study Strategies to Know

Expert Test-Taking Strategies

One of the first things you should do when you begin preparing for the NCLEX is to determine your learning style to maximize your efforts. There are a variety of learning styles, and they can include:

  • Auditory Learning: From listening to lectures, podcasts, or recorded discussions.
  • Visual Learning: From seeing, watching videos, or observing.
  • Tactile Learning: From hands-on experiences, return demonstration, or simulation.

Sometimes, individuals can be learners that combine these learning styles. No matter what type of learner you may be, it is important to know how you best learn, retain, apply, and analyze your learning.

Identifying The Topic

There are several essential steps that test-takers must follow to be sure that they understand what the question is asking. Many times NCLEX questions have several components that can be confusing and cause candidates to get distracted from the topic. The following steps can help test-takers weed through the fluff and get straight to the point of answering NCLEX questions correctly.

Here are the steps in identifying the topic:

Step 1: Read the question carefully and thoroughly – from the first word to the last word. Be sure to read slowly. Do not skim or skip any part of the question.

Step 2: After reading the question, you want to identify the nursing concept you are working in. This step is not so easy at first, but with practice, you will improve.

Remember that the nursing concept is the bigger picture process that guides nurses in their practice. Sometimes, the concept is what we are trying to address, also known as the topic, focus, or problem.

Here’s an example:

The nurse is caring for a 46-year-old male patient who came into the ED with chest pain 10/10 and tachycardia of 156 at rest. The patient states “I am scared, I feel like I am going to die.” Which response, if made by the nurse, would be most appropriate?

  • Nursing Concept = Therapeutic Communication
  • Topic/Focus/Problem = Priority response

Step 3: (Not always necessary) If you cannot identify the nursing concept and topic, read all the answer choices for clues, then identify the nursing concept and topic/focus/problem.

Once you have identified the topic of the question, it makes it much easier for you to stay focused on the topic and avoid getting distracted by other information that is not important or relevant to the topic/focus/problem that needs to be addressed.

Reviewing What’s Important

Once you have identified the topic of a question, it is helpful to take a few moments to think about everything you know to be true about the topic. For example, if the topic of the question is teaching about cast care, you want to list out all the things you remember to be truly related to teaching a patient about cast care.

The following are true about teaching for cast care:

  • Do not get the cast wet
  • Do not stick anything under the cast to scratch
  • Do circulatory checks of the casted extremity
  • If any findings are concerning, such as an odor, new or increasing pain, swelling, or drainage, notify the doctor immediately.

When you take a few seconds to remind yourself of the following details regarding cast care teaching, answering the question is much easier. When you have some criteria to compare against the answer choices, it helps to keep you from getting distracted and to focus on the topic of the question. If the answer choices do not match what you know to be true, then it is most likely not the correct answer.

Eliminating Answer Choices

There are several things that candidates should consider when deciding which answer choices to eliminate and which ones to keep in consideration. We’ve already discussed that taking the time to review what’s important about the topic of the question to create a set of criteria is one beneficial way to eliminate answer choices confidently. Another helpful tip is to consider every single word in an answer choice carefully.

The creators of the NCLEX are masters at writing test questions that challenge the test-taker to be careful and apply what they’ve learned in school to answer questions correctly. Sometimes answer choices sound like the correct answer, but they may have just one word incorrect, which makes the entire answer choice incorrect.

Candidates must be confident in their ability to move through the questions and answers thoroughly, making sure not to miss a word so they don’t fall for the many NCLEX traps set by the test creators.

Here is an example of how reading every single word can help in confidently eliminating answer choices:

The nurse is instructing a student on how a midstream clean catch urine specimen should be collected. The nurse knows the student understands the instruction provided if the student states which of the following?

  1. “Cleanse the urinary meatus with a disinfectant towelette, have the client urinate into a sterile specimen cup, avoid touching the inside of the container, and cover immediately after.”
  2. “Cleanse the urinary meatus with iodine solution, and insert a urinary catheter to obtain the sterile urine specimen.”
  3. “Cleanse the urinary meatus with a disinfectant towelette, have the client empty their bladder ½ hour before the test, and then keep all other urine voided on ice for 24 hours.”
  4. “Cleanse the urinary meatus with a disinfectant towelette, void a little bit of urine first, then stop, and then void the remaining urine into a clean specimen cup, avoid touching the inside of the container, cover immediately after.”

The correct answer is 1.

When you take the time to read every single word while carefully considering whether the answer choice is true or false, you can see that answer 1 is the only one true regarding collecting a midstream clean catch urine specimen. Many test-takers may choose 4 as the answer; however, if the answer choice is read closely, one would note that a “clean specimen cup” is not the appropriate collection container for a midstream clean catch. This specimen collection procedure requires a sterile container.

You want to be very careful every single time you’re answering NCLEX questions. If you skim, read the question too fast, or focus on information that you think should be present rather than remaining objective and seeing the answers for what they are, then you may find yourself falling for many of the well-designed NCLEX traps.

Here is one more example of how reading every single word can help in confidently eliminating answer choices:

The nurse is observing an LPN perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation for a patient that is a full code. The nurse knows that the LPN is correctly performing CPR if which of the following is observed?

  1. The LPN is using the heel of her hand to compress the chest at a depth of 1 inch.
  2. The LPN is compressing at a rate of 99 compressions per minute.
  3. The LPN is delivering 30 chest compressions for every two breaths.
  4. The LPN is using her arm muscles to apply force to the chest with each compression.

The correct answer is 3.

When you take the time to read every single word while carefully considering whether the answer choice is true or false, you can see that answer choice 3 is the only one true regarding the correct CPR technique. Many test-takers may choose other options as the answer because each answer contains components of the correct technique. This question, in particular, challenges the candidate’s understanding of the correct CPR technique. It seems pretty straightforward; however, skimming or reading too fast may miss important information that could get you into trouble.

Article and topic shared from allnurses. For more information on the exam and test taking strategies visit LINK

Become a Psychiatric Nurse

Psychiatric Nursing

While physical health is undoubtedly important, so is Mental Health. Millions of Americans are affected by mental illness each year. Psychiatric Nurses have the specialized knowledge and skills needed to treat these illnesses. Your path to a career as a Psychiatric Nurse can start with training from Sumner College. Click the button to find out more about this field and our nursing programs.

Earn your BSN in under 3 years at Sumner College. Classes start every 10 weeks. Visit our campus, meet the students, tour the labs and embark on your nursing career. Enroll today!

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How Much Do Oregon’s Registered Nurses Earn?

According to the survey results, RNs in Oregon earn an average hourly wage of $55.14, equating to an annual salary of $114,694. The Oregon Center for Nursing (OCN) recently conducted a statewide wage survey of Oregon’s registered nurses (RN) to explore the variances in compensation across different work settings and geographical areas. By examining wage disparities, this study is meant to uncover the wage structures that affect how long nurses stay in their jobs and to challenge common beliefs about how nurses’ salaries vary. Including responses from nurses across the state and from a wide range of work environments, the survey offers a detailed view of the financial challenges these essential healthcare workers face. The aim was not only to detail the present situation regarding nurse pay but also to help policymakers, nursing professionals, and employers tackle important issues related to maintaining a stable workforce and ensuring fair wages. This report is designed to be a foundational resource, facilitating informed decision-making that supports the welfare of nurses and overall efficacy of Oregon’s healthcare system.

Download the report here: OCN Salary Report

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The Vital Role of Nurses in Heart Health

Article Shared from

It’s American Heart Month. It’s important to promote cardiovascular health and explore the many ways Nurses are engaged in these efforts.

According to the CDC, heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States.

Nurses are advocates of heart health in various healthcare settings, spanning from hospitals and clinics to community and public health initiatives. Their contributions encompass a wide range of roles, from prevention and education to acute care and rehabilitation.

Here are some key aspects of Nurses’ roles in heart health:

Health Promotion and Education

Nurses thoroughly evaluate patients for potential risk factors that can contribute to heart disease, including hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, smoking, and obesity. They educate individuals about how these factors can affect their heart health.

Through personalized guidance, Nurses encourage regular exercise, a well-balanced diet, smoking cessation, and effective stress management techniques to ensure long-lasting positive changes.

Screening and Early Detection

Nurses are skilled in regularly monitoring blood pressure, identifying signs of hypertension, and guiding patients towards effective management. They actively participate in the screening process to detect abnormal lipid levels, providing education on the significance of cholesterol control, and offering valuable assistance in medication compliance.

Patient Assessment and Monitoring

Identifying the telltale signs and symptoms of cardiovascular diseases, such as chest pain, difficulty breathing, and irregular heartbeats are critical aspects of a Nurses’ role. Recognizing these symptoms early on enables Nurses to take immediate action and provide timely intervention.

When patients are prescribed medications, Nurses monitor their progress, ensuring they understand the importance of following the regimen and manage any potential side effects.

Acute Cardiovascular Care

Nurses are at the forefront during critical cardiac events, offering immediate care in emergency scenarios, administering vital medications, and aiding in life-saving interventions. Following procedures like angioplasty or bypass surgery, Nurses closely monitoring patients, effectively managing any complications that may arise, and providing valuable education for a seamless recovery journey.

Rehabilitation and Chronic Disease Management

Cardiac rehabilitation programs is where Nurses guide patients through personalized exercise routines, offer valuable insights on lifestyle modifications, and provide unwavering emotional support. For individuals with chronic heart conditions, Nurses manage symptoms, optimize medication regimens, and collaborate with other healthcare professionals to ensure comprehensive and coordinated care.

Community Outreach and Prevention Programs

Community outreach programs increase awareness of the importance of heart health. Nurses provide valuable information regarding prevention strategies, early detection methods, and the significance of leading a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, Nurses take charge in organizing and participating in cardiovascular screening events within the community. These events serve as a platform to identify potential risk factors and promptly intervene, ensuring the well-being of individuals and the promotion of heart health for all.

Advocacy and Support

Nurses serve as advocates for patients, ensuring they receive the necessary care and support, while also ensuring their concerns are heard and addressed by the entire healthcare team. Dealing with heart health issues can be emotionally challenging for the patient and their loved ones. Nurses provide emotional support to patients and their families, helping them navigate the psychological impact of cardiovascular diseases.

Nurses play a pivotal role in the comprehensive care of individuals with heart health issues, contributing to prevention, acute care, rehabilitation, and community health initiatives. Their multifaceted approach helps address the complex and interconnected factors influencing heart health.

Learn more about Nursing:

Emergency Room Nursing

Have you been thinking, “How can I start my nursing career in an ER?”

Begin by obtaining a solid understanding of nursing through an approved BSN program such as what we offer at Sumner. We teach you the medical and patient care skills you need to work in this atmosphere.

This experience builds your clinical skills and confidence, which are crucial in an ER setting.

We offer the opportunity to build connections within the healthcare community through our clinical experiences included in our program.

Become an ER Nurse

At Sumner College, we are committed to guiding you through your nursing education and supporting you in achieving your career aspirations, including working in an ER.

Click below to learn more about our nursing programs and how we can help you prepare for a career in an ER setting!

Learn more about BSN:

RNs, What Is Your Next Step In Advancing Your Career?

Are you a Registered Nurse wondering what the next step is in your career?

Explore why pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) at Sumner College could be a game-changer for you!

RN to BSN Program

A BSN program deepens your understanding of patient care, advanced nursing techniques and healthcare management, preparing you for a range of roles in the healthcare sector. You will become well-positioned for leadership roles.

Many healthcare employers now prefer or require a BSN for advanced positions. By earning your BSN, you’re not just meeting the current standards – you’re staying ahead in the competitive job market.

The best part of our program is you can complete it fully online in just 13 months.

Ready to discover how a BSN can transform your nursing career?

Learn more about our RN to BSN program now.

Learn more about Registered Nursing:

Are BSNs Required To Work In Hospitals?

BSN Career

Aspiring nurses often ask, “Is a BSN required to work in hospitals?”

There are hospitals and healthcare settings that prefer this licensure because it demonstrates your commitment to the field of healthcare. A BSN tells future employers that you are serious about your career.

The key is to align your education with your career goals. At Sumner College, we’re dedicated to helping you navigate your educational and career path towards nursing.

Curious about how to start your nursing career and the pathways available to you?

Explore the diverse BSN program at Sumner College. Download our BSN Program Brochure

Submit an Application to Sumner College and enroll today in our next BSN class.

Learn more about BSN:

The Exciting Possibilities of Perioperative Nursing

Johnson & Johnson nursing discusses perioperative nursing. 

Perioperative Nursing

Is perioperative nursing for you? Perioperative or operating room (OR) nurses provide patient-focused care in a variety of settings and specialties, with ample opportunities for professional growth. Get the scoop on this fast-paced, team-based, and fulfilling specialty, and find out how health systems and nursing schools are working to strengthen the pipeline of new nurses entering this critical specialty.

There’s something unique about the patient advocacy that happens in an operating room.

No matter the setting or specialty, nurses are always fierce patient advocates, ensuring that patients’ health and safety are protected. But when patients are under anesthesia, it’s different.

“Everywhere else in the hospital, patient’s families can be there with them, but they cannot be in the operating room,” says Debbie Smith, Senior Clinical Manager at Association of periOperative Registered Nurses. “The biggest role we have is the role of the patient advocate.”

Perioperative or operating room (OR) nurses provide hands-on patient care throughout a surgical experience – before, during and after a patient’s procedure. These nurses play an essential role in patient safety, and the need for perioperative nurses is expected to grow more than 12% by 2028.

In addition to providing high-quality, team-based, patient-centric care, working in a variety of settings and across various specialties, this dynamic, exciting and highly rewarding specialty has ample opportunities for professional growth.

However, until recently, many nursing students did not gain exposure to perioperative nursing as a specialty in nursing school. To raise awareness among nursing students and early-career nurses about the exciting career possibilities of perioperative nursing and to ensure readiness to practice, AORN has released a new perioperative nursing elective curriculum for nursing schools to assist RNs entering the perioperative field.

To actively and accurately demonstrate what perioperative nurses do and the environment that they work in, Johnson & Johnson has collaborated with the Association of PeriOperative Nurses and Bon Secours Mercy Health to produce a new perioperative nursing video. The intent is to increase awareness of and spark interest in the specialty, highlighting real perioperative nurses who share what it’s really like to work in the OR, why they love the specialty, and the benefits of becoming a perioperative nurse.

Read more about this speciality in nursing by visiting  J&J 

Content has been shared from Johnson & Johnson Nursing website


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Reasons to Become a Nurse

Nurses are leaders, innovators, and fierce patient advocates

Content shared from Johnson & Johnson Nursing

A career in nursing is one of the most dynamic, exciting, and rewarding occupations. Did you know there are more than 4 million registered nurses in the U.S., which makes nursing the largest sector of the healthcare workforce, with more than 100 specialties to choose from?

Nurses provide vital hands-on patient care, but that’s not all they do. They are leaders, innovators, educators, change makers, problem solvers, patient advocates, policy makers, and so much more.

As with any profession, some nursing roles can be challenging with potential for stress, long working hours, and both physical and mental fatigue. What makes nursing special is that it also comes with great opportunities to make a positive impact on patients, communities, and the world.

Nurses are the backbone of healthcare, with innovative mindsets, invaluable insights, and hands-on experience, they are uniquely positioned to advance equitable access to and transform healthcare.

Top 9 Reasons to Become a Nurse

male nurse smiling with patient

1. Nurses make a real difference in people’s lives

Nurses’ expertise, innovation, and compassion enable nurses to make a meaningful impact in the communities they serve by providing essential healthcare, advocacy, and leadership where and when it is needed most.

Nursing salary map

2. Nursing is a fast-growing, in-demand profession

The demand for nurses continues to grow, adding more than 200,000 positions annually. In 2022, the median RN salary was $81,220, making it a stable, well-paying job. Even more importantly, nursing is consistently ranked as the most trusted profession in the U.S.

Volunteer nurse smiles while checking young girl at park clinic

3. A chance to improve health equity and access to care

A diverse healthcare workforce can provide crucial perspectives needed to address racial and ethnic health disparities, and at present, people of color are under-represented in nursing and medical careers.3 When it comes to addressing health disparities, representation matters. When the person who cares for you looks like you, trust and quality of care improve.4 Cultivating a diverse work force is critical to advance health equity.

nurse typing on a computer keyboard

4. Many opportunities for financial aid and scholarships

Many resources exist to assist nursing students with the cost of nursing school, from federal student aid (FAFSA) to scholarships and grants. Loan repayment programs are often overlooked but are a great option to consider. Nurse Corps scholarship and loan repayment programs are federally funded, and some employers also offer similar programs.

group of smiling female nursing students

5. Flexible educational pathways to becoming a nurse

There are several educational pathways available to help you get started. Some nursing options require short-term training and allow you to enter the workforce quickly, making nursing education more affordable. Some nurses choose to enter the profession as an associate degree nurse (ADN) and obtain their bachelor’s degree (BSN) while working as a Registered Nurse (RN). Others, with experience both within and outside of the medical field may often also consider nursing as a rewarding second career.

Learn about the different types of degrees here and determine which options might be right for you.

Female medical personnel in lab coat looking at computer screen of brain scans

6. Something for everyone. Over 100 specialties to meet your needs

Once you’re a Registered Nurse (RN) you can take your career in so many new directions by specializing in an area you really enjoy, with endless opportunities to remain within healthcare or to purse a career outside of the medical field. The diverse range of specialties within nursing ensures that there is always room for growth and opportunities to explore new career paths and environments that meet your personal and professional needs. Specializing will give you greater responsibilities and a potentially higher salary, and you’ll have a new level of confidence to go deeper into what you love to do.

No matter how far you are in your nursing journey, there is a specialty to suit you.

  • Nurse in scrubs smiling over a patient in a hospital setting

    7. Transforming healthcare through leadership and innovation

    Through innovative and human-centered solutions, nurses are coming up with solutions to solve for today’s most challenging healthcare problems such as health equity, access to care, policy, new products, technology, and more. With the goal to improve human health, increased efficiency in healthcare systems, and the overall wellbeing of the communities they serve, nurses lead as change agents.

    A woman providing care to another woman

    8. Nursing as a second career opens a pathway to transfer skills

    Nursing as a second career is a valuable pathway for individuals seeking a change or returning to education. It offers an opportunity to leverage prior life and work experiences, enhancing one’s empathy and adaptability in patient care. Moreover, the demand for experienced professionals from various backgrounds contributes to the diversity and resilience of the nursing workforce.

  • group of medical progressionals collaborating together

    9. Collaborate with different healthcare professionals

    Holistic care is at the foundation of nursing education and, as such, nurses are key members of the interdisciplinary healthcare team, coordinating the different medical specialties and community resources to develop comprehensive care plans. This collaborative approach ensures patients receive individualized care.

    Learn more about Nursing:

Facts About Nursing

Article shared from NurseTogether

Becoming a registered nurse is the ultimate goal for a lot of men and women looking to enter the medical field. Registered nurses work directly with patients to provide care and have a wealth of knowledge and skills to offer, but there might be a few things that you didn’t know about registered nurses. Without further ado, here are 45 fun, interesting and surprising facts about registered nurses.

Nursing Facts

1. Florence Nightingale, a British nurse, and statistician, is considered to be the mother of modern nursing for her influence on how nurses were educated and viewed by society.

2. Florence Nightingale shaped the healthcare industry during the Crimean War when she introduced the concepts of hand hygiene, fresh air for patients, cleaning tools between patients, and other sanitation practices which resulted in saving many soldiers’ lives.

3. Florence Nightingale lived from 1820 to 1910 and was born in Italy although she was raised in England. She established the first scientifically-based nursing school 1860 appropriately named the Nightingale School of Nursing at St. Thomas Hospital in London.

4. The symbol for nursing is a lamp. Florence Nightingale was famous for carrying a lamp with her at night as she made her way between the tents of wounded and ill soldiers during the Crimean War, and was often referred to as “the lady with the lamp”. She also made the white nursing cap, used to hold hair back, famous and synonymous with the nursing profession.

5. Nursing caps are now usually only worn in ceremonies, often during graduation ceremonies for new nurses to symbolize their welcome into the profession. The famous hats have stopped being worn due to the fact that they can collect microbes (bacteria and viruses) and become unsanitary.

6. Nurses are considered one of the most trustworthy and ethical professions in the United States. In the year 2020, nurses were voted the #1 most trustworthy and ethical professionals for the 18th year in a row. The nursing profession beats out doctors, policemen, firemen, teachers, and even clergy.

Read entire article by visiting HERE


Learn more about Nursing:

Succeed With The RN To BSN Program Online

Are you a working RN and considered earning your BSN? Look no further than Sumner College’s RN to BSN program.

The RN to BSN is designed for registered nurses with an associate’s degree in nursing who want to advance in the profession. Our 13-month RN to BSN  program will broaden your understanding of best practices in nursing, and prepare you for leadership positions in which increasing levels of education are expected.

RN to BSN Program

The RN to BSN program is designed to allow you to continue working as a nurse while you are enrolled in the program. This way, you can further your education while also furthering your career.

Our program allows you to take the courses online around your work schedule.

Hospitals pursuing Magnet status may require registered nurses have a BSN, or be enrolled in a BSN program. This program is delivered 100% online, offering a convenient and flexible way for working students to continue their education without interrupting their employment.  Online classroom size is limited to 25 students per faculty member, so you get the personalized attention you need.

The completion of a bachelor’s degree in nursing is the gateway to graduate-level education, and advanced nursing employment roles.

Download the Information Kit and contact us today to find out more about our RN to BSN program.

Learn more about RN to BSN Program:

Tips To Stay Healthy In Nursing School

The key components to staying healthy during your nursing education and going forward are to minimize stress, a proper nutritional daily intake, and an active social life. In addition to other issues that tie into these three include a drive to serve others, an individualized exercise plan, adequate sleep, and enhanced safety at school and clinicals.


One subject that students learn a little about in nursing school is nutrition and how to eat well-balanced meals. Only a small amount of time is spent teaching nutrition, such as the primary food group, a necessity for the essential intake of vitamins and minerals, weight control, and more.

A properly balanced diet helps to boost immunity. Boosting immunity helps to ward off illnesses and improves overall wellness. Those who eat poorly may not know how to eat well-balanced and healthy meals every day. Eating high sugar and empty calorie foods every day becomes a bad habit.

Consistently eating a diet lacking in essential food choices shows up on the scales. An inadequate diet goes hand in hand with mood swings, irritability, dull hair, skin, and nails, increased stress, and a lack of overall healthy luster.

How can you focus on your education and make good grades when feeling drained from a poor diet? How can you teach a patient about healthy choices in life when you yourself don’t practice healthy living?

It may take a few extra minutes out of your busy day to set up balanced meals, but you will discover that eating healthy is well worth the effort. 

For years, the food pyramid served as a guide for many people wanting to eat correctly. My Plate replaced the food pyramid in 2005. My Plate provides five food groups, proteins, whole grains, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, and dairy. Refer to My Plate for in-depth information about eating the correct amounts.

My Plate is an easy and understandable guide to eating well-balanced meals and snacks.

Following healthy eating habits dramatically increases personal wellness and school performance.


Nurses are always under stress. That makes it even more critical for you as a student to learn early on how to deal with stress.

Unfortunately, many people under stress may have no appetite and consistently skip meals. Others under the same pressure may feel they cannot get enough food and grab unhealthy food options such as sugary snacks, soda, candy bars, coffee, prepared sandwiches, fast foods, and quick fix frozen meals.

With many different stress factors in your life during school, such as balancing your family life, job, and the constant pressure of making it to the next semester, it is easy to adopt these poor habits.

Once a student earns their nursing degree, passes state boards, and finally earns their nursing license, it might be possible to take a deep breath because all the school stress is behind them. However, stress is the middle name of every nurse. As a nurse enters the nursing profession, more stress comes with a nurse’s daily job duties.

The difference is how you handle the pressure. New nurses quickly find out how very complicated and involved the nursing profession has become. The new nurse discovers that stress never goes away. You have to learn how to prioritize the essential things in life, such as physical and personal wellness, professional well being, and intellectual health.

If you can balance your life, it will be easier to handle stress factors.

Eating balanced meals, healthy snacks, and taking time out for brief periods of exercise, does a lot to decrease stress.


Eating healthy works well and goes hand in hand with a sensible exercise plan. Try to incorporate exercise into your day wherever you can. Driving to a college campus means parking further away and walking briskly to class. Take the stairs when possible.

When studying at home, get up and march in place while going through learned material in your head.

Working online and sitting long periods is not good either. Take a break and go for a ten-minute walk outside, weather permitting. Exercise is an excellent stress reliever.

If you cannot commit to a daily 30-minute workout, then try 10 minutes. Whatever amount of time fits in your schedule is better than no exercise at all.


Many nursing students seem not to be able to get adequate restful sleep for various reasons. Other demands seem to interfere with sufficient rest. Most nursing students – especially when an exam is approaching, say that they are fortunate to get four to five hours of sound sleep per night. Many nights it is less than five hours.

Lack of sleep diminishes even further the more you get closer to the finish line in nursing school. Each semester becomes more intense and time-consuming. This might sometimes require you to stay up longer to finish a project or study longer.

This is the time when it is most important to reserve time to sleep and rest. You might think the longer you stay up and cram study material into your head, the more you will know for your test.

But as crucial as it is to know the material in nursing school, it is as essential to be able to perform and make good grades when you have to—every test counts in nursing school. You have to be ready for it and approach your exams and projects with a clear mind to get the most of your hard work and make it count.


This one might seem obvious, but frankly, you feel rushed in nursing school all the time.

Whether you take care of job-related activities, school homework, or keeping the household together, there seem not enough hours in the day to get it all done.

Try to make it a habit to plan your day the night before. When doing that, you know what’s ahead, and that feeling instantly relieves stress. It might not be perfect because it doesn’t make all your tasks go away, but it indeed prepares you better for the day.

Stress and feeling overwhelmed starts in your head and is your perception. You can make it a bit better by at least feeling prepared as best you can.

Nursing students talk about nervous break downs rushing to clinical in heavy traffic and feeling nervous all of the time.

This is under no circumstances a way to live a healthy life- not even in nursing school.

If you find yourself stressed to the point where it impairs your daily life, you need to hit the breaks and come up with a plan to unwind. In this state of mind, you will not be able to make good grades or perform well during your clinical rotation. Take a day off and regroup.

Listen to your body and make smart choices. Nursing school is about endurance. You need to be able to do this for at least two to four years – remember that. 

Being stressed in clinicals can be dangerous as well. You don’t have your nursing license yet. However, you need to be focused on your tasks at hand because you deal with real human beings and their health.

Feeling stress will lower your immune system over time. Stay safe and keep up healthy practices such as washing your hands, hydrating, and sleep. Be reasonable and drive safely, even if you feel rushed.

Safety comes first.


No one is arguing the point that entering nursing school at any age is not a challenge. You must have a fierce determination and be entirely devoted to earning a higher education in the thriving field of nursing.

You have to do all you can to stay healthy no matter what age when you decide to go to nursing school. Nurses are the most unhealthy humans because their goals of serving others come first, and they forget to take care of their personal health.

Nurses learn to serve, period. If nurses are not helping patients, they find that they continuously serve family and friends.

You might find yourself in that position a lot. Most nurses have the devotion and drive to help all people stamped into their very being. This drive makes no difference if you are in clinical, helping others or at home helping your loved ones. You continue to help and serve others non-stop.

Be aware and maintain a healthy distance mentally and emotionally from your patients and friends in general. Not to say to stay away from friends and family. But just because you are the “nurse” in the family doesn’t mean you are obligated to help everyone and have to be available at all times.

It is stressful to bear one’s problems and those of others. Many nursing students have a habit of not leaving their duties at the clinical site. Many bring situations and incidents home with them. They are not to talk about their patients; however, most tuck these things into their mind, and there it sits for you to dwell on when at home.

It is not to say that it is entirely avoidable, but try to separate nursing clinical from your private life. It’s a healthy habit that you should start early in your career.


Family and friends can be therapeutic during times like these. Nursing school will be one of the hardest things you have ever done – academically. It is demanding and draining at times.

Spending quality time with friends and family can help get your mind off things and keep you motivated to stick with it.

Connecting with students in your class might be helpful. They go through the same hardships as you and can very much understand what you feel because they feel the same way.


Research shows that many nurses are overweight, live with increased stress, sleep poorly, have high blood pressure, and are pre-diabetic. These nurses have not discovered how to put themselves first to meet the demands of an exciting and demanding nursing career.

Don’t make the same mistakes. Start these healthy habits early in your nursing journey; it will be well worth it.

Content re-shared by RNlessons Website

Learn more about nursing school:

Sumner College Student of the Month | August 2024

Congratulations Hanna, for being the August 2024 Student of the Month at Sumner College! Hanna was inspired to pursue a career as a Practical Nursing

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Sumner College Student of the Month | September 2024

Congratulations Kristina, for being the September 2024 Student of the Month at Sumner! Kristina completed the LPN program from Sumner College and recently returned to

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Niche Award!

Exciting news! Sumner Nursing College was recently ranked by Niche, listed as #1 in Best Value Colleges in Oregon, #1 in Best Value Colleges in

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Check Out Our New Campus!

Welcome to our new campus in Bend, Oregon! We are excited to be welcoming the first BSN cohort February 24th, 2025. Stay tuned as we

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Upcoming Info Sessions

On the fence or have questions about starting your education at Sumner College? Check out our upcoming BSN Info Sessions! Available for on-campus in Portland

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All About TEAS

If you're considering enrolling at Sumner College (or other nursing schools!) you will be required to take the TEAS Exam. This stands for Test of

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Nursing School Study Tips

Nursing school is known to be extremely difficult, but there are ways to make it easier on yourself! suggests a few different things to

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$5,000 Education Award Available!

Exciting news! is offering a $5,000 education award, with easy entry and no essays, why not enter for a chance to win $5,000 to

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New Member Bend Chamber of Commerce

Sumner College is proud to share we are new members of the Bend Area Chamber of Commerce. Coming soon our official ribbon cutting and social

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Spirit Week!

Happy Spirit Week! Stop by the Lobby or Front Desk throughout the week to say hi and show some school spirit! Monday: Meal Prep and

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Congratulations Kinsey, for being the July 2024 Student of the Month at Sumner! Kinsey is pursuing her BSN degree and has wanted to be a

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Virtual Tour: SIM Lab 202

Welcome to Sumner College! Before you head in to our Portland Campus take a virtual tour where you can see our Simulation Lab, Hospital Simulator,

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Congratulations to LPN student, Logan, for June 2024! Logan is able to pursue his degree thanks to his great support system, and school life balance,

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New Campus Alert!

We are extremely excited to announce the opening of our new additional campus location in Bend, Oregon! Conveniently located just around the corner from Bend's

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The Heart of Healthcare

Nursing can be described as both an art and science; a heart and a mind. At its heart, lies a fundamental respect for human dignity

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Labor Day Weekend

Happy Labor Day! We will be closed Monday to enjoy a long weekend!

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Upcoming Class Start Dates

Join us on one of our upcoming start dates for RN's looking to achieve a BSN completion!

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What is an RN-BSN Program?

RN to BSN Degree- What is it? The RN-BSN degree is designed for nurses that earned their Registered Nurse licensure and would like to continue

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There’s Still Time!

There's still time to enroll for the September 3 class start date! All three programs are starting fresh this fall; BSN, RN to BSN, and

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Tips for Great Admission Essays

Writing an admission essay may feel like a daunting task to accomplish, much less three, as we require here at Sumner. While they are short

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Is Nursing for Me?

Have you ever wondered whether nursing is the right profession for you? Take our personality exam to see if you have the characteristics of a

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Join the Nursing Workforce

When deciding what career to go into, one often will research the career to find out information like: average income, durability in the economy, and

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Celebrating 50 years!! Everyday NW’s Ally Osborne visits with Joanna Russell

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — Sumner College in Northeast Portland is celebrating 50 years of helping people level up and reach for their career goals in

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Why choose to complete a BSN?

Sumner College is proud to offer multiple different nursing programs, suitable for all stages of life. However, completing the Bachelors of Science in Nursing is

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Our Application Process

As you find yourself getting ready to make the jump for the new term here at Sumner College, you may have questions about our application

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BSN Info Sessions – August

This month's BSN group information meetings are scheduled for August 1, 6, 8, 15 at 12p.m on campus, 8338 NE Alderwood Road, Portland, OR 97220

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BSN Info Sessions – July

In preparation for the September classes, please plan to attend either of these informative hour long presentations to learn more about the program, the requirements

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Meet The RN Advocating For Disabled Candidates

Applying for a new job can be overwhelming and stressful. For candidates with disabilities, the hiring process can be a disheartening experience. According to the CDC,

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NCLEX Study Strategies

Expert Test-Taking Strategies One of the first things you should do when you begin preparing for the NCLEX is to determine your learning style to

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Sumner College: an excellent choice for those wishing to pursue a career in the health care field

In a message from our College President, Joanna S. Russell, she touches on how one of the strengths Sumner has is student engagement; focussing on

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